Greater Rustenburg Citizens Forum for Change - Press Release 3 PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 15:32

The Greater Rustenburg Citizens Forum for Change


The GRCFC, under the Chairmanship of the Greater Rustenburg Community Foundation, held another successful public meeting again on 10 March 2010. This meeting was well attended by the citizens of Rustenburg, including the Director for Safety and Security, Director Kotsedi as well as the MMC for Safety, Clr Mina Mpengu, and Captain Moage from SAPS.


Again the community shared numerous information with regards to the continuation of drug peddling, human trafficking and sex workers. It has also come to light that many of the sex workers are not on the streets by free will, but are kidnapped and brought to Rustenburg by way of bus networks and other means. Once these prostitutes fall pregnant, many of the babies are registered in the names of foreigners, who are peddling drugs, and by virtue of having a child registered on their names, these foreigners then gets permanent residents permits. The public of Rustenburg are now demanding a meeting with the Department of Home Affairs, in order to try and find a solution for these kinds of problems.


One agreement between the GRCFC and the Dept of Safety and Security and SAPS that has been reached during this meeting was to have a 7 day, 24 hour presence of Police and a active clean-up program by the SAPS – this would have demonstrated the willingness of the Dept. of Safety and Security as well as SAPS, to help keep Rustenburg Safe. With going to press – no agreement of SAPS or the Dept of Safety and Security has been honored – in fact the situation has deteriorated to the extent that the public and a group of the Taxi Association are now taking matters in their own hands to try and keep the public of Rustenburg safe.


The Forum is also appealing to owners of properties that are rented to tenants that are involved in drug peddling, human trafficking and keeping sex workers in these rented premises - to please assist the public and evict these tenants. The Forum is serious in acting through the legal system to trace these owners, who is not willing to help solve this serious issues – “We are not willing to allow owners any longer to endanger our lives and those of our children” – says Delport.


A serious appeal was made to Inspector Morapedi and Director Kotsedi to act on a tip off, to remove a girl of 5 years from flat nr. 10 in Villa Matez – no action was taken and sadly the young girl and her mother have been taken away by foreigners – another young live wasted.

Since the GRCFC’s meeting on 10 March 2010 – the Forum sadly has to report that NO Police presence was experienced, with the exception of 2 vehicles driving past at different times. On Friday, 12 March 2010, the residents of Leyd Street was assisted by the presence of more than 100 taxi association members, who marched to Leyd Street and who started removing illegal foreigners form Villa Matez. This group from the Taxi Association has committed themselves to work with the forum and as soon as information about illegal activities are given to them – the act instantly. They follow a principle of non violence, but adamant cleaning up! The Community salutes these men for their assistance.


Information has also reached the GRCFC that the block of flats, know as Happy Days as well as house across the street are currently in a process of being purchased, in cash, by the very same perpetrators that has been evicted previously! The GRCFC is in possession of names of the rightful owners, and the Forum is requesting an URGENT MEETING with the owners of the various units in Happy Days, to confirm this allegation and to discuss the consequences if such a should be executed. Owners are requested to urgently contact the Chairperson of the GRCFC.


Owners of Units of Villa Matez are also requested to contact the Forum, in order to discuss the seriousness of renting their properties to foreign people who does not bear the interest of the community of Rustenburg at heart.


The Rustenburg Community is also requested to call the chairperson of the GRCFC with any information which might lead to arrest of perpetrators of these inhuman activities.

Christine Delport can be contacted at: Tel: 014 592152 during working hours

Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 15:42

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